10-year-old girl swallowed by crocodile as father watches

MAUMERE, Indonesia -- A 10-year-old girl was swallowed by a crocodile as her father watched helplessly, Indonesian officials said.
The girl, named Juraida, was hunting for turtles with her father and brother in East Nusatenggara province when a giant saltwater crocodile sprang up from a river and pulled her in, The Jakarata Post reported.
“Juraida was seized when she was in about a half-meter of water at the river’s mouth,” Lembata Deputy Regent Viktor Mado Waton said when contacted on Friday, according to the newspaper.
“Her father and brother could only watch helplessly,” Waton said.
Villagers found pieces of her clothing several hours after Thursday's attack but there was no sign of her body.
Last month, a boy was killed by a crocodile in the same river.Villagers living near the river have reported a loss of livestock in recent weeks as well.


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