Working Areas of NCCN

 NCCN has been focusing its activities mainly in the four programme areas of SAEPP- Leadership Capacity Building, Peace and Reconciliation, Inter-faith Cooperation and HIV and AIDS. Other priority areas of NCCN included institutional capacity building of NCCN, policy advocacy and networking of the Churches at National, Regional and Global level.

A. Leadership Capacity Building

Under the leadership Capacity Building programme, NCCN has been organizing leadership capacity building trainings for Pastors and Church leaders all over the country. The role of Christians in National development, contextual interpretation and application of the biblical message,           

Gospel and culture, peace, justice and human rights, globalization and its impact, current socio-political context and role of Christians, inter-faith cooperation and religious harmony and alternative approaches to development are some of the major topics covered in these trainings.

So far 27 capacity building programmes and Church leaders conferences have been organized and around 6500 pastors and church leaders have participated in these programmes.  

NCCN General Secretary Dr. K.B. Rokaya addressing the ecumenical leadership capacity building Training for Pastors, Youths and Women Leaders organized in Dharan from 28-31 March 2004


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