formation of ncc

To address above   shortcomings and needs of the Nepali Church, the National Council of Churches of Nepal (NCCN) was established in 1999 under the initiative and leadership of Dr. K. B. Rokaya with the support and cooperation of a number of Churches in Nepal as well as the encouragement of ecumenical leaders and NCCs in South Asia               
Though NCCN was started in 1999, it became fully operational only from June 2003 when Dr. K.B. Rokaya   assumed the responsibility as its General Secretary to devote more time for NCCN’s institutional development. NCCN was formally registered with the government of Nepal in May 2004 under the name Nepal Rastriya Mandali Parisad which is the Nepali version for National Council of Churches of Nepal. 
The launching of the South Asia Ecumenical Partnership Programme (SAEPP) from July 2003 as a joint programme of the five NCCs of Nepal, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh and  ecumenical partners   form the North played an important role in the institutional capacity building of NCCN in the initial period.


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