christinity and nepal 2

The Church in Nepal is said to be one of the fasted growing Church in the world with an estimated number of 800,000 today. One factor which contributed to the rapid growth of Christianity in Nepal is through healing by prayer. Caste system in Hinduism and the Hindu domination experienced by indigenous and ethnic communities for centuries has attracted many people to Christianity.  The Church started growing rapidly, specially, after the political change of 1990.
Though Christianity made some positive contributions in the Nepalese society such as breaking down the barriers of caste system, reducing the economic burden on the people and   the health and education services provided by mission agencies; liberating the people of Nepal from the endless cycle of rituals and superstitions and giving them new hope,  the Church in Nepal had the following   short comings:
·        Emphasis only on evangelization and indifference to socio- political,  economical and other issues faced by the society and  nation
·        Failure in preserving and promoting our meaningful traditions, cultures and social norms and values that determine our national and cultural identity.
·        Negative attitudes of Christians towards people of other faiths and lack of initiatives   to develop harmonious relationship with them and working together on common issues.
·        Lack of involvement and contribution to issues of peace, justice and human rights.
·        Absence of a representative Christian body to represent the Christians in Nepal at national and international level.
·        Negative attitude and wrong perception of the society towards Christians.


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