
Showing posts from May, 2011

2nd Timothy

3:1 But know this, that in the last days, grievous times will come. 3:2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3:3 without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, 3:4 traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; 3:5 holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof. Turn away from these, also. 3:6 For of these are those who creep into houses, and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 3:7 always learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 3:8 Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so do these also oppose the truth; men corrupted in mind, reprobate concerning the faith. 3:9 But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be. 3:10 But you did follow my teaching, conduct, purpose,...

मेरो गोहार कहाँबाट आउँछ ?

इसाई वृत्तमा अहिले एउटा ठूलो चासो र सरोकार बढेको छ। नयाँ संविधानमा धर्म सम्बन्धी कस्तो सोच हुनेछ ? धर्मलाई कस्तो ठाउँ दिइनेछ? धर्मावलम्बीहरूको स्थान सुनिश्चित हुन्छ कि हुँदैन ? मेरो प्रश्न पाठकज्यूहरूमा, के इसाई मत वा इसाई समुदाय धर्मावलम्बीहरूको समुदाय हो ? इसाईत्व धर्म हो? यसलाई धर्म भनी कसले भनेको ? कहिलेदेखि? सन १९९०मा बहुदल व्यवस्था आउनेबेलासम्म ख्रीष्टको एकलेसिया राजा, पञ्चायत व्यवस्था र अतिवादी हिन्दूहरूको मारमा परेको थियो। हामीलाई धर्म परिवर्तनको दोष लगाइएको थियो। त्यसबेला ख्रीष्ट मण्डलीबाट सफा आवाज आएको थियो, "यो धर्म होइन, यो जीवन हो" "यो विश्वास हो, आस्था हो"। मानिसहरू जेल गए, देश छोडेर पनि गए प्रहरीबाट कुटिएका, गाउँलेहरूबाट कुटिएका अनि अंगभंग भएका ख्रीष्ट विश्वासीहरू आज पनि हाम्रो माझमा छन्। त्यो कष्टको बेलामा हामीले आफ्नो बचाउमा मात्र बोलेको कि साँच्चै यो धर्म होइन त्यसबेला धर्म होइन भनिसकेर आज धर्म हो भन्दा आम समुदायमा अन्योल पैदा हुँदैन र? त्यसबेला र यसबेलाको राजनीतिमा परिवर्तन भएजस्तै अब हाम्रो बाइबल र पुरानो भजनलाई के गर्ने, त्यहाँ त यस...

non-Christians""> Meaningful message of Christ for non-Christians

Nepali people are by nature very religious and fatalistic. They have deep faith in their personal good works and merits they can earn through good works (karma). Most of the people are Hindus. It is very important that we contextualize the teachings of the Bible to our society and its beliefs. There is great diversity among our people with more than 40 ethnic groups. The people living in various part of the country like in terai, Mountains, plains, etc. also differ in their outlook and way of thinking. Real needs Nepali Church is in the stage of third generation of believers. Our greatest need in the church is to see that the new generation is aware of the need for personal faith and commitment to Christ. The other related challenge is to give a place and identity to the huge Christian population in a society that is hostile to them. And in the larger context we need to convince people that this is not a foreign religion but a matter of hell or heaven for them. Most of th...

Christianity in Nepal" The history of Nepali Christianity

Christianity in Nepal The history of Nepali Christianity During the 18th century, few catholic monks from Rome came to Nepal and met with the then ruling Malla kings and with their permission started evangelizing the people in the Kathmandu Valley. History tells us that during this period of evangelism of 54 years, around 600 Nepalese (Newars) were converted and Churches were established in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur (one of the four cities of the valley). In 1767, in his mission of making a single Nepal, king Prithivi Narayan Shah invaded Kathmandu Valley and he pressured the foreign catholic fathers and the converted Nepalese to leave the country suspecting that they could be in league with the then British rulers in India. Since that point of time until a brief revolution leading to establishment of democratic rule in Nepal in 1951, the door to Christianity had been totally closed.. Through the prayers of Nepalese living outside Nepal, the good news of the Lord coul...

what is a Christian...?

“ ljZjf;L ” (Christian) ;d:t :ju{ / k[YjLsf ;[li6stf{ cf ð gf] t/0fxf/ k|lt ljZjf; ug]{ ljZjf;L @ pxfFs} gfpFdf Ps;fy e]nf eP/ ;+utL ug]{ ljZjf;L . b'Mvdf k|fy{gf, ;'vdf cf/wgf, cf ð gf] ;Dk"0f{ cfzf d/d]Zj/ k|lt /fVg] ljZjf;L @ sl7gfO{df e/f];f, cfklQdf w}o{tf, ;tfj6df emg} /dfpg] ljZjf;L . cfkm"nfO{ ;Fw} xf]RofP/ c?s} a9fO{ ug{ rfxg] ljZjf;L @ cf ð gf] ;j{:j ;'lDkP/ k|e"s} ;]jf ug{ rfxg] rfxL+ x'G5 r'lgPsf] c;n Pp6f ljZjf;L . ;fd'g]df kxf8} ePtfklg To;nfO{ 5]+8]/ kf/ ul/hfg] ljZjf;L @ afj'n] p;nfO{ Tofu]tfklg cfdfsf] dfof gkfPklg laZjf;df ;Fw} c6n /xg] ljZjf;L . d08nLaf6 s]lx kfpFnf xf]O{g t/ s]lx lbpFnf d08nLsf] nfuL s]lx u?nf eGg] ljZjf;L @ ;Fw} cf ð gf] k|;+;f dfq xf]Og t/ cfnf]rgf klg ;'Gg rfxg] rfxL+ x'G5 c;n Pp6f ljZjf;L . s'g} laz]if AolQmnfO{ xf]O{g t/ k|e" o]z" v|Li6s} hLjgnfO{ x]g]{ ljZjf;L @ cf ð gf] d08nLnfO{ 5f8]/   cGoq st} ef}tf/L glx8\g] ljZjf;L . otf / ptf 5l/P/ xf]O{g t/ Psh'6 eP/ a:g] e]+8fx?sf...
“ k|fy{gf ” ( Prayer) cfkm\gf] k/d\lktf;Fu dgsf O{R5f AoQm ug]{ dfWod xf] k|fy{gf @ lbglbg} k/dk|e"sf] ;ldk uO{ x/]s si6, kfk / uNtL hfx]/ ug]{ dfWod xf] k|fy{gf . cfkm"nfO{ ;'dfu{df nufO{/xg k/d]Zj/sf] cu'jfO{ vf]Hg' xf] k|fy{gf @ of] hLjg / o;df kfPsf] cflzifsf] nfuL wGoafbL x'g' xf] k|fy{gf . s'g} sbd a9fpg'eGbfcl3 k/d]Zj/sf] of]hgf a'em\g vf]Hg' xf] k|fy{gf @ cfkm\gf] ;Dk"0f{ tg dg wgn] pg}df k"/f e/f];f /fVg' xf] k|fy{gf . af]6la?jfsf] nfuL 3fd / df5fsf] nfuL kfgL eg]h:t} @ ljZjf;Lx?sf] nfuL x's{g] cfwf/ xf] k|fy{gf . cfkm\gf] nfuL lg/Gt/ hfuf /xfg] zlQm xf] eg] @ c?sf] nfuL xf};nf / k|]/0ff xf] k|fy{gf . z}tfgsf] x/]s aGwgnfO{ tf]8L, lbg] /f]uladf/sf] rËfO{ xf] k|fy{gf @ xfdL k|To]sn] ul//xg'kg]{ ljZjf;Lsf] st{Jo / cg'zf;g xf] k|fy{gf . x/kndf ul//xg' kg]{ cflTds hLjgsf] ;f; xf] k|fy{gf @ afwf cr{gf Nofpg] z}tfgsf] k/LIffdf o"4 lhTg] xltof/ xf] k|fy{gf . laxfg a]n'sf ;Fw} ug'{ k/d]Zj/sf] O...

christianity in nepal: wonderful poems

christianity in nepal: wonderful poems : "“ cfJxfg ” (Invocation) != hfb' / dGq ug]{ wfdL / emfsLdf xf]O{g, hLjg lbg] k/d]Zj/df u/f}+ e/f];f -@_ kmh'n l/ltlytL / s';F:sf/df xf]O{..."

wonderful poems

“ cfJxfg ” (Invocation) !=   hfb' / dGq ug]{ wfdL / emfs|Ldf xf]O{g, hLjg lbg] k/d]Zj/df u/f}+ e/f];f -@_ kmh'n l/ltlytL / s';F:sf/df xf]O{g, jf:tljstf emNsfpg] hLjgsf] k':tsdf /fvf}+ x} cfzf -@_ @=   cGwljZjf; / 9'l ¡ kgfdf xf]O{g, ;lx lzIff l;s]/ dgjtf / ;Eotfsf] sbd rfNg'5 -@_ Ifl0fs cfgGb / b'O{lbgsf] df]hdHhfdf xf]O{g, b]zsf] pHhjn eljio / ;dfh ;'wf/df cuf8L a9\g'5 -@_ #= k/dk|e'sf] eo dflg lg/Gt/ k|fy{gfdf nfuL g} kg'{5 , b'i6sf] x/ kof;nfO{ cfTdfsf] zlQmn] lgikmn kfg{'5 -@_ slQj]nf e]6'F clg vfO{xfn'F eGb} z}tfgn] bfp x]5{ , dL7f dL7f s'/fsf] n:s]/f] nfpFb} of] dgnfO{ 5f]O{x]5{ -@_ $=   wl/ wl/ Tolx df}sf 5f]K5 sdhf]/nfO{ lgzfgf kf/]/ ,   ;a} ca Psh'6 xf}+ x} ljZjf; / k|]dsf] 5ftLkftf le/]/ -@_ lbgx'F o]z" ;fy ;fy lx8f}+ x} efO{ b'wf/] t/af/ lnP/ , z}tfgsf] aGwg tf]8\g' g} k5{ ca, ;a}n] ldn]/ -@_ %=   cfh d08nLsf] ;fdg]df ljzfn r'gf}tL cfPsf] 5, rfkn'l; ug]{ b'i6n] xfd|f] dfemdf o...

Christians become voice for freedom after national crisis

W hen Jyoti Adhikari became a Christian, her husband, who came from a traditional Hindu family, could not stomach the thought. But Adhikari didn't flinch, even though her husband divorced her. "I have no regrets. I am rejoicing in the Lord," said Adhikari, who looks after her teenage son now. Since her conversion, Adhikari has become a local evangelist, bringing 90 people to faith in this Hindu-majority nation of 27 million sandwiched between India and China along the Tibetan border. In 1999, Uttam Kumar Pariyar, a member of Nepal's now-abolished royal privy council, stunned national leaders when he made public his conversion to Christianity. "They started looking at me like an outcast," said Pariyar. Hostile council members launched a public campaign to oust him. "I was determined not to give up my faith in the Lord," recalled 64-year-old Pariyar. "But King Birendra did not bother about my conversion and never asked me why I gave up Hindu fa...

itahari greenery nagarpalika

you can find all places around itahari and the important places you want to visit. there are good fine dining restaurants and wonderful departments stores and scenery that gives you entertainment.

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बाइबलको व्याख्या (Hermeneutics)

बाइबललाई अक्षरशः अर्थमा लिइनुपर्छ। भाषालाई सामान्यतया र स्वाभाविक रूपमा त्यसरी नै बुझिने गरिन्छ। हो, बाइबल लेखकहरूले कतिपटक अलङ्कारयुक्त भाषा प्रयोग गरेका हुन्छन् जुनचाहिँ शाब्दिक सत्यतालाई सजीव तरिकाले वर्णन गर्ने एउटा सामान्य साथै सुन्दर तरिका हो। बाइबललाई भाषाको स्वाभाविक प्रयोग, शब्दहरूको प्रचलन, ऐतिहासिक र सांस्कृतिक पृष्ठभूमि, सन्धर्भ र बाइबलको समग्र शिक्षाको आधारमा बुझिनुपर्छ (२ तिमोथी २:१५)। सबभन्दा त एउटा विश्वासीले बाइबलको अध्ययन पूर्ण रूपमा सत्यको आत्मा को सहारामै गर्नुपर्छ। ख्रीष्टलाई प्रकट गर्ने र विश्वासी जनहरूका मन तथा हृदयहरूलाई प्रदीप्‍त पार्ने काम उहाँकै हो (यूहन्ना ५:३९; १६:१३-१५; १ कोरिन्थी २:९-१६)। एउटा शारीरिक अर्थात नयाँ जन्म नपाएको व्यक्तिले परमेश्वरको वचनलाई बुझ्नै सक्दैन, यसको ठीक अर्थ जान्नै सक्दैन। परमेश्वरका कुराहरू उसका लागि मूर्खता हुन्छन्, उसले ती जान्न सक्दैन (१ कोरिन्थी २:१४), उसको मन अन्धा पारिएको हुन्छ (रोमी ३:११; २ कोरिन्थी ४:३-४)।

KJV Bible -- Browse

Old Testament Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi New Testament Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonian 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James 1 Peter 2 Peter 1 John 2 John 3 John Jude Revelation Apocrypha 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Tobit Judith Additions to the Book of Esther Wisdom of Solomon Prologue to Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach Baruch Letter of Jeremiah Prayer of Azariah Susanna Bel and the Dragon Prayer of Manasseh 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees

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radio this is a neapalese radio site where you can listen songs or stories.