Time lapse video of the night’s sky over the London riots

DUBAI - Many views have been shown of the rioting in Tottenham, north London, which occurred on Saturday, August 6, 2011, that left the main high street looking like a warzone as thugs set buildings and vehicles ablaze.

But in the absence of the violence on the ground, this time lapse video gives a completely different feel to the events that began with a peaceful demonstration over the shooting of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, during a gun fight with cops on the previous Thursday.

The video was taken from the nearby premises of itdrewitself – an online collaboration of international artists, designers, illustrators and musicians.

The footage shows the smoke rising into the night’s sky, over three hours, from the fires that were started by rioters, a helicopter circling above, its search light shining.

Prokopi Constantinou, who shot the footage, described the scene: “News of the riots began as rumours. A friend had a phone call that crowds were gathering in Tottenham and the mood there was becoming more aggressive.

“We had heard a police car had been set on fire but once we started seeing the smoke over the horizon we knew it was something much more.”

He said he and his friends realised what was going on through the BBC and started shooting the video as the smoke rose into the sky.

“It was incredible to witness,” he explained. “We saw it transform from mild billowing smoke into the blazing inferno you can see in the video.”

Copycat violence has erupted across many districts of London since the rioting of Saturday night, Sunday morning. There have scenes of looting throughout the English capital city, many people have been arrested and properties destroyed.

An independent inquiry has been launched into the shooting of Duggan, meanwhile his family have condemned the rioting. http://en.news.maktoob.com/20090000952716/Time_lapse_video_of_the_night_s_sky_over_the_Tottenham_riots/Article.htm


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