
Showing posts from August, 2011

My Resolution

“ k|lta4tf ” d]/f x/]s ;fFem laxfgsf] k|fy{gf g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{, If0f If0fdf lz/f]k/ u/]/ lx8\g]5' x} g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{ @ afO{jnsf] zAb zAbsf] cfwf/ 5 x} g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{, ;Tolgi7 / pRrlzIffsf] cfef; 5 x} g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{ @ wd{, sd{ / l/lt/Ljfh xf]O{g, hLjg / ;Tosf] dfu{bz{s ltdLnfO{, x[bob]vL g} wGoafb r9fpF5} xfdL, g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{ @ lg/fzf / pbf;tf xf]O{g, cfzf / pd+usf] >f]t ltdLnfO{, xfdL Ps Psdf cflTds hfu[ltsf] lago r9fpF5f}+ g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{ @ cGwljZjf; / s'7f/f3ftn] el/Psf] of] ;dfhdf, v|Li6sf] Tofu / k|]dsf] kl/ro lbg l;sfp xfdLnfO{, d'lQmbftf xfd|f k/dk|e"sf] hLljt ;fIfL ag]/ c6n laZjf;df cl3 al9/xg l;sfp xfdLnfO{ . d]/f] x/]s ;fFem laxfgsf] k|fy{gf 5 ltdLnfO{, kn kndf lz/f]k/ u/]/ lx8\g]5' x} g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{ . k|To]s hLjgsf] cfbz{ af]Sg] x] g]kfnL ;+utL ltdLnfO{, dgsf] d}nf] x6fP/ lgZrn / lgZjfy{ k|]d ug{ l;sfp xfdLnfO{ . laleGg hft hftLaf6 r'g]/ Psh'6 u/fpg] x] Pstfsf] k|lts ltdL, ...

Cheerful Obedience Required

Abraham was an old man when he received the startling command from Yahuwah to offer up his son Isaac for a burnt-offering. Abraham was considered an old man even in his generation. The ardor of his youth had faded away. It was no longer easy for him to endure hardships and brave dangers. In the vigor of youth, man may breast the storm with a proud consciousness of strength, and rise above discouragements that, later in life, when his steps are faltering toward the grave, would cause his heart to fail. But Yahuwah, in his providence, reserved his last, most trying test for Abraham, until the burden of years was heavy upon him, and he longed for rest from anxiety and toil. The Master spoke unto him, saying, "Take now thy son, thine only son, Isaac, whom thou lovest, and offer him for a burnt-offering." (Genesis 22:2). The heart of the old man stood still with horror. The loss of such a son by disease would have been most heart-rending to the fond father, a...

Civil Homes

Image » For all you tweety fans out there! » Allows you to find only those news from any date you choose! » Search any news/ articles by author/ category/ date/ keyword » Nepali Calendar with date converter Abin We didn't anaesthetise him; he fainted after reading the newspaper!

किन आयो नयाँ नक्सा ?

संविधानसभाको राज्य पुन:संरचना तथा राज्यशक्तिको बाँडफाँट समितिको प्रतिवेदन १५ महिनादेखि थन्किएर बसेको छ। यस प्रतिवेदनलाई ठोस ढंगले अगाडि बढाउने र निष्कर्षमा पुर्‍याउने परििस्थति अझै बनेको छैन। समितिको अवधारणाको तहसम्म सबै पार्टी सहमत थिए। प्राविधिकसहितको उपसमितिले प्रस्तुत गरेका दुई खाकामा रहेका १४ प्रदेशको नक्सा पनि सहमतिमै प्रस्तुत भएका थिए। जब त्यसलाई अन्तिम रूप दिन लागियो, अचानक मतान्तर देखिए। अन्तिम समयमा माओवादी र एमालेले हचुवा ढंगले आफूलाई परविर्तन गरे। तराईका चार प्रदेशलाई दुई र पहाडका १० लाई १२ बनाए। यद्यपि, प्रदेशको संख्या १४ नै भयो। त्यसैलाई बहुमतबाट पारति गरे तर सर्वसम्मतिले स्वीकृत अवधारणा, मान्यता र मापदण्ड तोडिए। धैर्य र गम्भीरता देखाउन सकेनन्। त्यसैको परिणामस्वरूप अघिल्लो दिन पारति गरिएको नक्साप्रति माओवादीकै थुप्रै सभासद्हरूले व्यक्तिगत र समूहगत रूपले भोलिपल्ट फरक मत दर्ता गरे। एमाले सभासद्को पनि भिन्न मत आयो। समितिमा पक्षमा मतदान गर्नेमध्येकै सभासद्ले सभामा गएर नक्साको चर्को विरोध गरे। सुरुमा जुन मिहिनेत र गम्भीरताका साथ नक्सा तयार भएको थियो, अन्तिम दुई-चा...

Words for the Young

"Children, obey your parents in the Master: for this is right. Honor thy father and thy mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the [new] earth." (Ephesians 6:1). Children who dishonor their parents, and disobey them, and disregard their advice and instructions, can have no part in the earth made new. The purified new earth will be no place for the rebellious, the disobedient, the unthankful, ungrateful son or daughter. Unless such learn obedience and submission here, they will never learn the lesson hereafter; and the peace of the ransomed will never be marred by the disobedient, unruly, unsubmissive children. No commandment-breaker can inherit the kingdom of heaven. Will all the youth please read the fifth commandment spoken by Jehovah from Sinai, and engraven with his own finger upon tables of stone. "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land ...

Tomato myths still sow many seeds of confusion

way you slice it, the tomato is one confusing comestible. There's the whole identity crisis thing — is it a fruit or a vegetable? And don't get us started on the tuh-MAY-to, tuh-MAH-to thing. It's enough to drive anyone ba-NAY-nas. Here are what tomato lovers and experts have to say about some common misconceptions about this vine product. FRUIT OR VEGETABLE? This is the kind of thing that can spark quite the argument, with both sides passionately supporting their claims. Oddly enough, both are right, at least according to the USDA's Economic Research Service. Yes, botanically speaking the tomato is a fruit, but horticulturally and legally, it is considered a vegetable. This debate has been adjudicated by none other than the U.S. Supreme Court. It happened in the late 19th century in connection with a challenge to tariffs on imported produce. The high court ruled in Nix vs. Hedden that despite the botanical definition, tomatoes are a vegetable, in...

Time lapse video of the night’s sky over the London riots

DUBAI - Many views have been shown of the rioting in Tottenham, north London, which occurred on Saturday, August 6, 2011, that left the main high street looking like a warzone as thugs set buildings and vehicles ablaze. But in the absence of the violence on the ground, this time lapse video gives a completely different feel to the events that began with a peaceful demonstration over the shooting of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, during a gun fight with cops on the previous Thursday. The video was taken from the nearby premises of itdrewitself – an online collaboration of international artists, designers, illustrators and musicians. The footage shows the smoke rising into the night’s sky, over three hours, from the fires that were started by rioters, a helicopter circling above, its search light shining. Prokopi Constantinou, who shot the footage, described the scene: “News of the riots began as rumours. A friend had a phone call that crowds were gathering in Tottenham an...

Time lapse video of the night’s sky over the London riots

Time lapse video of the night’s sky over the London riots

Biswasi Pratiko Bhawana

“ laZjf;L k|ltsf] efjgf ” Gftf;fO{gf] s]xL 5}g t}klg cfkmGt em}+ nfU5 @ lagfsfddf To;}klg ;Fw} e]6'F e]6'F nfU5 . 3/kl/jf/ ;fly;+uL 6f9} slx+ 5f]l8P5 @ v|Li6sf] /utn] cfh ulx/f] k|]dsf] gftf xfd|f] hf]l8P5 . u/La wlg ;fgf 7'nf ;a} g} v|Li6åf/f 5flgPsf] 5 @ lbbL alxgL bfh'efO{ e]nf x'Fbf Ps} kl/jf/ em}+ dflgPsf] 5 . d08nL g} 3/ xf] of] o]z" xfd|f] d'ln @ Pscsf{df aftlrt u/f}+ dgsf ;a} s'/f vf]nL . kf:6/afj' cu'jf xfd|f] xfdL xf}+ pgsf e]+8f @ ;f]emf ;/n 5g\ x} ;a} oxfF sf]xL x'Ggg\ 6]+8f . k/d]Zj/s} kljq :yfg xf] of] ;a} x'G5g\ z'4 @ “ Pstf ” xf] gf/f xfd|f] oxfF slxNo} x'Ggg\ o'4 . k|;+;fsf] 3/ xf] of] em\ofnL em+sf/ ;Fu} @ x[bo vf]nL ufpF5f}+ xfdL gofF hf]; / pd+u ;Fu} . kljq cfTdfdf hLpg]x? arg aflx/ slxNo} lgSnb}gg\ @ ljZjf;sf] of] ofqfdf o]z" ;fy /x]kl5, kfOnf xfd|f] lrKnb}gg\ . z/L/ xfd|f] dlGb/ xf] x[bodf a:g'ef 5 v|Li6 @ dflg;x?n] h];'s} eg]klg s;}k|lt ddf 5}g ca /L; . n8f...

christianity in nepal: SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

christianity in nepal: SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

christianity in nepal: SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

christianity in nepal: SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

SEALs on rescue mission killed in Afghan crash

By AP KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The 30 American service members — most of them elite Navy SEALs — who died when their helicopter was shot down had rushed to help Army Rangers who had come under fire, two U.S. officials said Sunday. The heavy loss shows that clandestine tactics carry huge risks despite the huge success of the SEAL mission that killed Osama bin Laden more than three months ago. Most of the SEALs who died Saturday were from the same unit that killed bin Laden, although none of the men took part in that mission. The U.S.-led coalition plans to rely more on special operations missions as it reduces the overall number of combat troops by the end of 2014. This weekend, the rescue team had subdued attackers who had pinned down the Rangers and were departing in their Chinook helicopter when the aircraft was apparently hit, one of the officials said. Thirty Americans and eight Afghans were killed in the crash, making it the deadliest single loss for U.S. fo...